What is a Construction Certificate

What Is A Construction Certificate & When Do I Need One

A Construction Certificate or CC is the certificate is issued by a consent authority or accredited private certifier. This particular Certificate allows for the building work to start on a project. It is important for anyone who wants to start on a building project to understand what the purpose of the CC is and how the application process works. The purpose of this Certificate is to ensure:

  • That the work you intend to carry-out complies with the BCA- Building Code of Australia
  • The design & construction work as described in the plans & the specification you submit is consistent with the development-consent
  • Any conditions of the development consent that have to be complied and met even before you get the construction certificate
  • Security is needed as a condition of consent provided
  • That monetary contributions that are needed as a condition of consent, have all been paid
  • Structural strength & fire protection matters are met (in case of a change of building-use/alterations to an existing structure)
  • The application has also been referred to the New South Wales Fire Brigade & all matters raised by the them have also been taken into consideration

When do you need a CC?

As mentioned above, you will need a Construction Certificate before you start any building work. The actual term “building work” has a very wide definition. A “building” can mean a portion of a building or the entire building. However, a moveable dwelling, manufactured home or any structure that is part of the manufactured home does not fall within the definition of a “building”.

However, it has to be understood that there are certain exceptions to this rule. These exemptions can be found in the SEPP- State Environmental Planning Policy. For instance, there are certain exemptions in the standards for windmills and tennis courts etc. The one way to ensure that you are following the right procedure before starting any kind of building work is to speak with an accredited certifier or the local council. This will help you ascertain whether this work actually falls within those exemptions/ whether you have to first apply for the DA/CC

Construction Certificate and Development Consent Connection

Once you have been issued the Construction Certificate, it forms part of the DA. It is also possible to apply for a DA as well as CC simultaneously. However, you have the option to apply for only one of these at a time. If that is what you choose to do, you are required to apply for the DA before you apply for a CC as the latter cannot be issued till you have been issued the DA.

CC Alterations – Are They Possible?

If you need to make any alterations in the Construction Certificate, it is possible to do so. Your application for this medication will be run through the same procedure and assessed just as your original CC was. In simple words, if you are undertaking any kind of building work in NSW, you are required to apply for a DA & CC (if that work does not fall in the exemptions that the SEPP has provided).

If you are planning on starting any type of building work, it is important that you appoint & notify a PCA – Principal Certifying Authority, to oversee all the work. The person will be responsible for notifying the council a minimum of 2 days before the work starts.

The PCA’s Job

Once your building work has started, the organization/person you appoint as the PCA will carry-out all the required inspections & issue the compliance & occupation certificates. In addition, the PCA has to ensure that all the certificates which have been issued are then forwarded to Council, where they will be registered. You can also get an application form for your Construction Certificate via the local council.

This form is actually the same as the form that is used as the Development Application. It is important that you follow all these procedures as outlined by the council and it ensures you will be able to continue with the building work in an unhindered manner. You can get more information about applying for a Construction Certificate via this government document.

Thanks for reading,
Elementree Drafting Services
1300 566 873

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